What window films should you carry in your window tinting business?
Hey, my name is Ralph and I'm with Flexfilm. In this video I'm going to answer a simple question that I am asked every day, “What films should I carry in my business? Would you believe that most people want to carry everything that we sell? I always talk people out of buying everything we sell. Sometimes I believe you can have too many choices. Sometimes less is better.
Value shoppers are going to want ceramic films. How many ceramic films do you need to carry? A lot of people feel comfortable just carrying one. The way I see most businesses should operate, unless you've got some special circumstances or you've got a better idea that works for you, is to carry two products. You need an entry-level product for a price shopper and a ceramic film for a value shopper. However, I always believe we should build out that value ladder with our value shoppers in mind because you never know how far they're going to go up the ladder. If you have a value shopper at your counter, they're always going be willing to buy the ceramic. You know they're going to buy it because you will show it to them and they will know the benefit of it. You never want to assume that your value shopper is going to stop at your first level of ceramic. There's always a possibility they may want more. This is when you literally pull out your high-end ceramic from under the table. "Hey, I noticed you're a value shopper and you chose our ceramic. I I know you're going to really enjoy it, but you know what? Since you're a value shopper, it's my job to ask if you want to consider a better film. We have one. We don't bring it out for everybody. I've been watching you and I know you want something that's really powerful for you, your family, and your car. I think you may like this one film I've got that I don't show everybody." You show it to them and it's going to be your Nanoflex. It's going to be the best window film you have to offer and it's going to be at your highest price point.
A lot of times you'll be shocked at what these people will say when you show them the best film you have and you don't necessarily present it to them up front. You bring it in as you discover that they are value shopping and that you have something to help them with. Just a tip to consider. What films do you choose? I like to carry an entry-level film, medium-level ceramic and I like to surprise my customers with a high-end ceramic. That's kind of the way I see it. This doesn't always work for everybody, but that's just one baseline to consider.